sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2001
Trinidad, la historia de Roby Lee y un "Thanksgiving Day" adelantado!!
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Sergio.. |
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Lo que me ha ocurrido en el dia de hoy, es justo aquello que me gustaria responder cuando alguien me pregunta "por que te gusta viajar solo?".
Yo soy un fiel defensor de los viajes en solitario, no porque no me guste viajar con amigos, o porque sea un bicho raro, si no porque lo que os voy a contar a continuacion, es lo que yo considero expimirle al maximo, todo el jugo a un viaje, y esto es algo que casi siempre ocurre cuando viajas solo y estas abierto ante lo desconocido.
Mi dia en Trinidad no empezo con buen pie. Una mala noche en una habitacion demasiado fria y una mudanza en mitad de la misma a otra vacia, habian provocado que mi paseo diario empezara con el rollo un poco torcido y mas tarde que de costrumbre.
Ademas, el pateo no estaba ofreciendo demasiado, poco mas que alguna foto interesante y eso si, poder ver como es la vida tipica norteamericana en un pueblo pequeno del Este de Colorado.
Una de las cosas que queria hacer hoy, era acercarme por el restaurante donde desayune el dia anterior para terminar de hacer unas fotos que aun me quedaban pendientes. Afortunadamente, aunque en ese momento no me lo parecio tanto, el restaurante estaba cerrado.
Como aun era pronto y el lado Este de la via del tren no me habia ofrecido mucho, decidi cruzar al otro lado y descubrir la parte Oeste del pueblo de Trinidad.
Despues de un rato el otro lado, tampoco estaba viendo gran cosa. De hecho, haciendo una foto a una senal de trafico que indicaba mi camino, estuve a punto de darme la vuelta y volver a descansar al hotel.
Fue entonces cuando vi sobresalir de detras de un taller mecanico, el cartel giratorio de un restaurante 100% Americano. Ahi me dije: “venga, unas fotos desde lejos y pa casa”.
Mientras tiraba fotos de lejos, vi como desde dentro del restaurante alguien me hacia gestos con la mano; yo pensando que me estaban saludando, movi tambien la mia y entonces pense: "joder! si alguien me llama sera porque algo quiere", asi que sin dudarlo me acerque hasta alli. Despues descubri que aquellos gestos no eran saludos, si no que eran senales para que me fuera pensando la persona que los estaba haciendo, que yo era un inspector buscando problemas.
Me asome a la puerta y salude desde fuera. Dentro estaba Roby Lee, el propietario del legendario "Lee's Bar B.Q." de Trinidad, Colorado.
El "Lee's Bar B.Q." es un negocio con mas de 75 anos de historia, que ha pasado generacion tras generacion hasta llegar a las manos de Roby.
Cuando entre dentro del restaurante fui directo hacia Roby, me presente, estreche su mano y le pedi permiso para utlilizar mi camara dentro de su restaurante, ya de paso le conte que era espanol y que estaba a mitad de camino de un viaje costa a costa. Rob me recibio con una hospitalidad insolita, no solo me dejaba hacer las fotos que quisiera sino que tambien me invito a degustar una de las delicias de su restaurante. Poco a poco fuimos cogiendo confianza mutuamente, y mientras yo hacia mis fotos y grababa algunos videos, el me iba preguntando y contacto cosas e ibamos charlando.
El tiempo iba pasando y yo me encontraba bien agusto en el "Lee's Bar B.Q.". Entonces entro George Fernandez. Un vecino del restaurante que se unio a nuestra conversacion.
George es un empleado jubilado de supermercado que hace tiempo invirtio en propiedades, teniendo ahora mismo varias casas a su nombre. Me quiso ensenar orgulloso, mientras nos fumabamos un Malboro XL en la calle, como estaba pintando una de sus casas.
Se iba haciendo tarde y estaba anocheciendo. Mi hotel no estaba cerca y tenia que pasar por unas zonas un poco feas, asi que le dije a mis nuevos amigos que tenia intenciones de ir marchando. Entonces Roby, que estaba sentado enfrente mia, me dijo muy amablemente que no me preocupara, que el me acercaba a mi hotel, y no solo eso, sino que tambien me invitaba a lo que me habia tomado.
Fue entonces cuando ocurrio lo mas insolito y algo que me dejo flipando por lo inesperado. Cuando nos montamos en el coche de Roby, un enorme Dodge ranchera, me hizo la pregunta del millon: "A ti te gusta la mota?" (para el que no lo sepa "mota" es una forma de llamar a la marihuana). Yo le respondi que bueno, que la marihuana y yo ya nos conociamos, pero que en mi viaje por Estados Unidos no queria tenerla cerca para evitar problemas innecesarios. El entonces me dijo que en el estado de Colorado la marihuana esta permitida para uso medicinal, que la vendian legal y oficialmente y que el disponia de un cupo de 100 dolares al mes, asi que si queria me invitaba a su casa a conocer a su mujer y a su perro y probar la mota medicinal del Colorado!!,........, mhhhhhh!! dejame que me lo piense!!... Pues claro man, llevame a tu casa y presentame a tu familia y bordamos el dia!!
Me llevo a su casa, donde conoci a Gen, su esposa. Una encantadora senora que me recibio igual que su marido habia hecho previamente.
En su casa estuve bastante tiempo, fumamos mota, bebimos te y hablamos muchisimo entre los tres. Hubo momentos de autentica emocion, ya que tanto para ellos, como para mi, aquello que estabamos viviendo era una experiencia inolvidable.
Yo soy un fiel defensor de los viajes en solitario, no porque no me guste viajar con amigos, o porque sea un bicho raro, si no porque lo que os voy a contar a continuacion, es lo que yo considero expimirle al maximo, todo el jugo a un viaje, y esto es algo que casi siempre ocurre cuando viajas solo y estas abierto ante lo desconocido.
Mi dia en Trinidad no empezo con buen pie. Una mala noche en una habitacion demasiado fria y una mudanza en mitad de la misma a otra vacia, habian provocado que mi paseo diario empezara con el rollo un poco torcido y mas tarde que de costrumbre.
Ademas, el pateo no estaba ofreciendo demasiado, poco mas que alguna foto interesante y eso si, poder ver como es la vida tipica norteamericana en un pueblo pequeno del Este de Colorado.
Una de las cosas que queria hacer hoy, era acercarme por el restaurante donde desayune el dia anterior para terminar de hacer unas fotos que aun me quedaban pendientes. Afortunadamente, aunque en ese momento no me lo parecio tanto, el restaurante estaba cerrado.
Como aun era pronto y el lado Este de la via del tren no me habia ofrecido mucho, decidi cruzar al otro lado y descubrir la parte Oeste del pueblo de Trinidad.
Despues de un rato el otro lado, tampoco estaba viendo gran cosa. De hecho, haciendo una foto a una senal de trafico que indicaba mi camino, estuve a punto de darme la vuelta y volver a descansar al hotel.
Fue entonces cuando vi sobresalir de detras de un taller mecanico, el cartel giratorio de un restaurante 100% Americano. Ahi me dije: “venga, unas fotos desde lejos y pa casa”.
Mientras tiraba fotos de lejos, vi como desde dentro del restaurante alguien me hacia gestos con la mano; yo pensando que me estaban saludando, movi tambien la mia y entonces pense: "joder! si alguien me llama sera porque algo quiere", asi que sin dudarlo me acerque hasta alli. Despues descubri que aquellos gestos no eran saludos, si no que eran senales para que me fuera pensando la persona que los estaba haciendo, que yo era un inspector buscando problemas.
Me asome a la puerta y salude desde fuera. Dentro estaba Roby Lee, el propietario del legendario "Lee's Bar B.Q." de Trinidad, Colorado.
El "Lee's Bar B.Q." es un negocio con mas de 75 anos de historia, que ha pasado generacion tras generacion hasta llegar a las manos de Roby.
Cuando entre dentro del restaurante fui directo hacia Roby, me presente, estreche su mano y le pedi permiso para utlilizar mi camara dentro de su restaurante, ya de paso le conte que era espanol y que estaba a mitad de camino de un viaje costa a costa. Rob me recibio con una hospitalidad insolita, no solo me dejaba hacer las fotos que quisiera sino que tambien me invito a degustar una de las delicias de su restaurante. Poco a poco fuimos cogiendo confianza mutuamente, y mientras yo hacia mis fotos y grababa algunos videos, el me iba preguntando y contacto cosas e ibamos charlando.
El tiempo iba pasando y yo me encontraba bien agusto en el "Lee's Bar B.Q.". Entonces entro George Fernandez. Un vecino del restaurante que se unio a nuestra conversacion.
George es un empleado jubilado de supermercado que hace tiempo invirtio en propiedades, teniendo ahora mismo varias casas a su nombre. Me quiso ensenar orgulloso, mientras nos fumabamos un Malboro XL en la calle, como estaba pintando una de sus casas.
Se iba haciendo tarde y estaba anocheciendo. Mi hotel no estaba cerca y tenia que pasar por unas zonas un poco feas, asi que le dije a mis nuevos amigos que tenia intenciones de ir marchando. Entonces Roby, que estaba sentado enfrente mia, me dijo muy amablemente que no me preocupara, que el me acercaba a mi hotel, y no solo eso, sino que tambien me invitaba a lo que me habia tomado.
Me llevo a su casa, donde conoci a Gen, su esposa. Una encantadora senora que me recibio igual que su marido habia hecho previamente.
En su casa estuve bastante tiempo, fumamos mota, bebimos te y hablamos muchisimo entre los tres. Hubo momentos de autentica emocion, ya que tanto para ellos, como para mi, aquello que estabamos viviendo era una experiencia inolvidable.
What has happened to me today is just what I would like to respond when someone asks me "why do you like traveling alone?".
I am a strong defender of traveling alone, not because I dont like to travel with friends, or because I am a weird guy. I like it because what I am going to tell you below is what I consider to travel until the last consequences, and this is only possible if you're alone and open to the unknown.
My day in Trinidad did not start off right. A bad night in a too cold room and a moving in the middle of it to another one empty, had caused that my daily walk started with not a good mood and later of usual.
Also, the walk was not offering too much, only some good pictures and of course, be able to see what life is like in a typical American small town in Eastern Colorado.
One of the things I wanted to do this day, was going to the restaurant where I had breakfast yesterday to finish making some pictures that I had outstanding. Fortunately, although at that time I didnt think that, the restaurant was closed.
As it was still early and the east side of the railroad had not given to me much, I decided to cross over and discover the western part of the town of Trinidad.
After a while, this side was neither giving me much. In fact, making a picture of a traffic signal I was almost turning back to the hotel to rest.
Then, I saw from behind a machine shop, the turning sign of a 100% American Restaurant. Then I said, "come on, some pictures from afar and back home."
While I was shooting from afar, I watched how from inside the restaurant someone was doing hand gestures, I thought somebody was saying "hello", then I also moved mine. In that moment I thought: "Fuck! If someone calls me, maybe he wants something", so without hesitation I may go up there. After that I discovered that those gestures were not greetings, it was signals asking me to go far thinking that I was an inspector looking for troubles to the owner.
I went to the door and greet from the outside. Inside was Rob Lee, the owner of the legendary "Lee's Bar B.Q." in Trinidad, CO.
"Lee's Bar B.Q." is a business with more than 75 years of history, generation after generation has passed down until reach the hands of Rob.
When I got inside the restaurant I went straight to Rob, I introduced myself, shake his hand and asked his permission for shooting pictures inside the restaurant, and also I told him that I was Spanish and that I was in the halfway of a travel coast to coast . Rob's hospitality was amazing, not only allowed me to take the pictures, he also invited me to try one of the delights of his restaurant. Little by little we were picking mutual trust, and while I was shooting my pictures and some videos, he was asking and talking to me.
Time was passing and I was very feeling so comfortable at "Lee's Bar B.Q." Then George Fernandez came ito the restaurant. A neighbor who joined our conversation.
George is a retired supermarket employee who has long invested in property, now he has several houses under his name. He wanted to show me proud, while we were smoking a cigarette in the street, as he was painting one of his houses.
It was getting late and it was getting dark. My hotel was not close and had to go through some areas a bit scary, so I told to my new friends that I had intentions to go back home. Then Rob, who was sitting in front of mine, kindly told me not to worry, that he was going to get me to my hotel, and not only that, he also invited me to what I had eaten.
It was then when it happened the most unusual and something that left me freaking out for the unexpected. When we got in to Rob's car, a big Dodge station wagon, he made the million dollar question: "Do you like "mota"?" (For those who does not know what "mota" means, it is another name for the marijuana). I answered that yes, that marijuana and I already knew each other, but in my trip to the United States I dont want to try it to avoid bif problems. Then he told me that in Colorado is allowed the marijuana for medical use, it is sold legally and officially, and he had a quota of 100 dollars a month, so if I want, he invite me to his his home to meet his wife and his dog and try the medicinal Colorado's mota!!,........, mhhhhh! Let me think about it!!... Of course man, take me home and introduce me to your family and finish a pefect day!
He got me home, where I met Gen, his wife. A lovely lady who welcomed me like her husband had done previously.
I spent long time at their house, we smoked mota, drank tea and we three talked a lot, there were moments of genuine emotion, as much for them as for me, what we were doing was an unforgettable experience.
After a long time and several pipes, Roby took me to my hotel.
Meet Roby and Gen at their home has been an incredible experience, a "Thanksgiving Day in advance" because this typically American celebration is in two days.
I hope that now you have understood why I I like traveling alone,....., because it is, ......., PRICELESS.
Roby, thank you so much!!!!
I am a strong defender of traveling alone, not because I dont like to travel with friends, or because I am a weird guy. I like it because what I am going to tell you below is what I consider to travel until the last consequences, and this is only possible if you're alone and open to the unknown.
My day in Trinidad did not start off right. A bad night in a too cold room and a moving in the middle of it to another one empty, had caused that my daily walk started with not a good mood and later of usual.
Also, the walk was not offering too much, only some good pictures and of course, be able to see what life is like in a typical American small town in Eastern Colorado.
One of the things I wanted to do this day, was going to the restaurant where I had breakfast yesterday to finish making some pictures that I had outstanding. Fortunately, although at that time I didnt think that, the restaurant was closed.
As it was still early and the east side of the railroad had not given to me much, I decided to cross over and discover the western part of the town of Trinidad.
After a while, this side was neither giving me much. In fact, making a picture of a traffic signal I was almost turning back to the hotel to rest.
Then, I saw from behind a machine shop, the turning sign of a 100% American Restaurant. Then I said, "come on, some pictures from afar and back home."
While I was shooting from afar, I watched how from inside the restaurant someone was doing hand gestures, I thought somebody was saying "hello", then I also moved mine. In that moment I thought: "Fuck! If someone calls me, maybe he wants something", so without hesitation I may go up there. After that I discovered that those gestures were not greetings, it was signals asking me to go far thinking that I was an inspector looking for troubles to the owner.
I went to the door and greet from the outside. Inside was Rob Lee, the owner of the legendary "Lee's Bar B.Q." in Trinidad, CO.
"Lee's Bar B.Q." is a business with more than 75 years of history, generation after generation has passed down until reach the hands of Rob.
When I got inside the restaurant I went straight to Rob, I introduced myself, shake his hand and asked his permission for shooting pictures inside the restaurant, and also I told him that I was Spanish and that I was in the halfway of a travel coast to coast . Rob's hospitality was amazing, not only allowed me to take the pictures, he also invited me to try one of the delights of his restaurant. Little by little we were picking mutual trust, and while I was shooting my pictures and some videos, he was asking and talking to me.
Time was passing and I was very feeling so comfortable at "Lee's Bar B.Q." Then George Fernandez came ito the restaurant. A neighbor who joined our conversation.
George is a retired supermarket employee who has long invested in property, now he has several houses under his name. He wanted to show me proud, while we were smoking a cigarette in the street, as he was painting one of his houses.
It was getting late and it was getting dark. My hotel was not close and had to go through some areas a bit scary, so I told to my new friends that I had intentions to go back home. Then Rob, who was sitting in front of mine, kindly told me not to worry, that he was going to get me to my hotel, and not only that, he also invited me to what I had eaten.
It was then when it happened the most unusual and something that left me freaking out for the unexpected. When we got in to Rob's car, a big Dodge station wagon, he made the million dollar question: "Do you like "mota"?" (For those who does not know what "mota" means, it is another name for the marijuana). I answered that yes, that marijuana and I already knew each other, but in my trip to the United States I dont want to try it to avoid bif problems. Then he told me that in Colorado is allowed the marijuana for medical use, it is sold legally and officially, and he had a quota of 100 dollars a month, so if I want, he invite me to his his home to meet his wife and his dog and try the medicinal Colorado's mota!!,........, mhhhhh! Let me think about it!!... Of course man, take me home and introduce me to your family and finish a pefect day!
He got me home, where I met Gen, his wife. A lovely lady who welcomed me like her husband had done previously.
I spent long time at their house, we smoked mota, drank tea and we three talked a lot, there were moments of genuine emotion, as much for them as for me, what we were doing was an unforgettable experience.
After a long time and several pipes, Roby took me to my hotel.
Meet Roby and Gen at their home has been an incredible experience, a "Thanksgiving Day in advance" because this typically American celebration is in two days.
I hope that now you have understood why I I like traveling alone,....., because it is, ......., PRICELESS.
Roby, thank you so much!!!!
Despues de mucho rato y varias pipas, Rob me acerco a mi hotel.
Conocer a Roby y a Gen en su propio hogar ha sido una experiencia increible, un "Dia de Accion de Gracias por adelantado" ya que esta celebracion tipicamente americana es dentro de dos dias.
Espero que ahora hayais entendido porque me gusta viajar solo,......, porque esto........ NO TIENE PRECIO.
Muchas Gracias Roby!!!
Conocer a Roby y a Gen en su propio hogar ha sido una experiencia increible, un "Dia de Accion de Gracias por adelantado" ya que esta celebracion tipicamente americana es dentro de dos dias.
Espero que ahora hayais entendido porque me gusta viajar solo,......, porque esto........ NO TIENE PRECIO.
Muchas Gracias Roby!!!
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3 comentarios:
guapisimo crack!!!! me encantaaa,y vaya pedazo de fotooos!!
que experiencia!!!!
Dany Sanz
La leche!!! tienes toda la razon, estas cosas pasan mas cuando uno viaja solo... estoy flipando con abiertos y hospitalarios que son los americanos!!!
Sigue asi Cata! Es una pasada leer tu blog!!!
Cuidate y besos
hermano sin palabras ENJOY AROUND THE WORLD!!
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